Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Hello there!
If you are reading this you probably already know me, so we won't need to do to much for introductions. This is my (hopefully) humorous look into my life and all its mis-adventures. Hey, when you have kids, EVERY day is an adventure......

Well, I'm Kristin, married for just under 6 years, and we have 3 children. And, of course, I think my kids are the cutest in the world, so this is pretty much all about them, lol. We always seem to have something going on, major or minor to deal with.
Ellie is 4, a big tomboy princess. I never knew the two could go together, but she totally will be out fishing and playing with worms this summer with Grandpa....probably dressed all in princess gear. Do they have princess fishing poles and tackle boxes? hehehehe, guess I will find out. She loves music, and has informed us that when she turns 5, she wants a pink guitar, and then listed the accessiories that need to come with it. Yeah, she gets that from Daddy. He teaches guitar part time and all the kids love "helping" him play. Not that it slows her down much, she also has a cardiac issue. She is on medication for SVT, a type of arrythmia. Most of the time we don't have any issues with that, but when she gets sick, we worry constantly.
Gabriel is going to be 3 in a few months, and the things he says are constantly amusing me. I swear his vocabulary rivals that of his big sister. He is an incredible active little boy...and soooo skinny! He is underweight, and is allergic to dairy, wheat and orange. He is also a horrible sleeper....and a massive bedhog. lol.
Ethan is the baby, he will be one next month. At first we thought that the 3rd time was the charm...he was growing so well, so happy, didn't seem to have allerergies or spit up. HAHAHAHA. Oh, he has FPIES. Its a lovely food allergy- not a typical food allergy- and it certainly keeps us on our toes. I will see if I can post a link here on it. Basically, he will eat a "trigger" food, be fine for awhile and usually about 2hrs later have a reaction, even up to excesive vomitting and passing out in shock. OTHER THAN THAT little thing (LOL) he is a very happy baby who loves running after his big brother and sister. So thats us. Hi. (waves)

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